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In 1994,
BioSand International, Inc. promoted an investigation into the activity of it's products through the use of microscopic analysis for the purpose of determining how they might benefit aquatic life.
Here is a brief description of the results:
• BioSand® Liquid •
In wet mount and gram stained preparations, it is evident that there are several species of bacteria present in relatively high numbers. At least two distinct types of morphological bacteria were evident. Long, gram negative rod shaped bacteria occurring both singly and in aggregates of chains were evident in most fields of view. Very short rod or cocci shaped organisms occurring mostly singly but also in small aggregates were also quite evident. Both heterotrophic (organic compound metabolizing) and chemoautotrophic (ammonia and nitrite oxidizing) groups of bacteria have species which are morphologically long, gram negative rods. Differentiation is possible only through culture and indentification using biochemical differentiation, and has not yet been completed.
These bacteria break down the protein found in the ammonia excreted by fish, and are utilized into free ammonia before most non-chemical methods can take effect.
• BioSand® Beads •
Upon microscopic examination of the surface, the beads appear smooth and transparent. However, upon sectioning, small pores radiating toward the center were found to contain mature colonies of rod shaped bacteria - both morphological types visualized in the BioSand Liquid examination. Several pores examined contained mature colonies of rod shaped bacteria. Free liquid around the particles contained small numbers of both morphological types of organisms visualized in the BioSand Liquid examination.
In summary: Based on the gathered data, it appears that ammonia (positive ion) is attracted to the beads (negatively charged) rather than going through a chemical reaction. Non-biological as well as biological activity was observed, which contributes to amonia reduction.
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